Open Source Solutions​

We specialize in providing a one stop solution around LAMP stack: • Linux, • Apache, • MySQL • PHP, Perl and Python

How we can help you?

Our LAMP products and services include LAMP Consulting, LAMP Support (ad hoc and/or yearly subscription), LAMP Training as well as LAMP Development. We provide our services remotely as well as on customers’ premises.

Our team brings expertise to design and deploy solutions in the cloud and virtualized environment. We use standardized services which significantly reduce issues and defects of all types. This assures business continuity for our clients. Our experience helps us to deploy the same service repetitively and reliably, enabling scalability to millions of users.

LAMPInfoTech has developed unique Intellectual Property in Connectivity, Data management, Data warehousing and Data Mining, including analytics. Besides, our team has developed variety of interlocking technologies for deep data mining. We use them together to find, isolate, and quantify hidden patterns in large and disparate collections of data not only from the surfaces of the Data Warehouse cubes but also from the core. We use combination of statistical analysis, data modeling, database technology, machine learning and data mining tools to find out the pattern and intricate relationship among data collected from multiple sources.

Our Experties

Our team has built three key modules in the domain of Data Warehouse to handle Big Data:

• Data Cleanser
• Security & Anonymization
• Analytics Engine

Using collection of tools developed by LAMPInfoTech, our team is able to ensure automated data cleansing and a sanitized service platform. Security & Anonymizer tools successfully mask identity related data to ensure privacy but provide all the vital information to policy makers and decision takers. The Analytic Engine uses many proprietary approaches and know-how developed by LAMPInfoTech.

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